I sit in One Of The Maldives were
Fifty-second Street Uncertain and
As The clever expires Hopes Of a low dishonest
decade (WH Auden)
The decade that just ended was certainly missed honesty: the decade of the Big Zero to resume Paul Krugman's words, where growth expectations have fallen into the worst recession in 70 years.
This decade has been built on two promises :
1. Liberalization of economies and financialisation would have to break the slow growth after 1973. The acceleration of productivity clearly discernible in the late 1990s in the United States suggested a strong growth for developed countries that have successfully made the structural changes needed to take advantage. Moreover, globalization seemed to emerge throughout the Third World underdevelopment.
2. The Asian and Russian crises of the late 1990s heralded a greater instability. However, it was only the price to pay for higher growth. Less regulation meant more growth, but also more volatility. We chose a new arbitration more favorable to growth.
These hopes were not fulfilled. They are, in particular, broken on the worst recession experienced by the capitalist system for 70 years. Examine in detail how these promises have been betrayed.
First, global growth has indeed accelerated in the 2000s, but it is far from having recovered its pace of post-war boom.
Growth, particularly for developed economies slowed, continuing a trend that is now ancient. The annual growth rate has been twice as low as 20 years ago.
In fact, apart from Asia, and particularly China, growth has been weaker than in previous decades around the world. However, China has achieved this growth by skewing the liberalization of economies that had to be the cause. It never did and liberalized capital movements. She has consistently undervalued its currency, pursuing a mercantilist policy aggressively. Its development is, on the other hand, based on a series of imbalances, internal and external, who question its sustainability. In particular, imbalances in trade balances with the United States does not seem viable, lasting from not least in their current form.
Thus, only the emerging economies have seen their growth accelerate. In contrast, for other economies, particularly the more developed, growth has slowed. The mode of growth, leaving a more important financial activities, and based on a reduction of regulations, has not led to more growth, but at least-and even before the crisis of 2008-2009. This is particularly the case for leading the economy: the United States.
If we consider the main factor in the long term growth, increased productivity, the situation is only slightly less negative:
We do not have refereed more growth to less stability. This is obviously the case for the United States:
With the 2000s, so we leave a world of false hopes. The acceleration growth in the late 1990s had led to expect a return to strong economic growth. The new regulation of the economy, less regulated, was meant to reinvigorate the Western economies, and promote the development of PVD. The promise was kept for emerging Asia. For all others, and especially for the most developed countries, it has not happened. The growth rate downward trend even before the crisis. And the crisis that ended the growth cycle of the mid-2000 presents an accentuated form of previous crises: brutal, long, because it is based on deep imbalances. But these imbalances, particularly the private sector debt, have fueled the growth.
This shows the magnitude of the task that opens with the 2010s, but we have an intellectual model for the completed deal, because it is, in part, the hopes of understanding most of macroeconomics that have been betrayed.