Sunday, August 8, 2010

Short Poofy Dresses Betsey Johnson

Cher (e) s friend (s), I put to you the last conversation which I have taken and which is published on the site . Happy reading.

Doumbia Major is the President of the CPR, the Pan-African Congress for Renewal, a political party placed on the baptismal font Cote D'ivoire. This party is increasingly present as a reference of the masses, who see this young leader of a kind voice of the voiceless. Active campaigner for the equitable redistribution of resources in Ivory Coast, Doumbia Major is seen in the Ivorian political landscape like a man break, which kept a constant in the fight against looting of public resources. Writer, author of the "manifesto for Africa" published by the harmattan, Doumbia Major has agreed to give an interview to our correspondent who met in Paris to Roissy Charles de Gaulle, so that it was about to fly to the English city of London. : Mr. Doumbia Major hello, we can not start this interview without you our encouragement and our support for your initiatives. We are a body of free information and committed to justice and democratization in Côte d'Ivoire. We read through your blog and your interviews. Without you hide, we must say we were impressed by your candor, your steadfastness, your consistency and especially your commitment to truth
What explains This commitment to truth and why you do we nicknamed "the Kankélétigui-Nawlêfouê?

Doumbia Major: Thank you and welcome your interest in what I preach, first let me say that I am no superman, I'm just someone trying to tell the truth about the management of public affairs and politics, where some are making calculations and make use of cunning and malice.
"Kankélétigui-Nawlêfouê" is a nickname I accept fully my wife and way of seeing the world. This nickname is a combination that comes from both the Malinke and Baule are the language of my father and my mother. I was educated in both languages I speak fluently and whose values I espouse. I am the product of a cultural mix that I accept it fully. Kankélétigui-Nawlêfouê means Dioula and Baoule man who has only one floor and the man of truth. Since my childhood I wear this nickname because I have always been recognized as someone who has always said publicly what he thought be the truth and who did not give up easily his convictions.
This commitment to truth by the belief that I have a human life is part of a defined period, which begins with birth and whose end is certain, because all humans are mortal . So I wonder why must it be bad and evil, lying and rusant for things fleeting and ephemeral. : We can finally say we understand why you nicknamed Kankélétigui-Nawlêfouê, it is clear

Doumbia Major: You know the man is not eternal is the truth that is eternal, that what we do property that is eternal. Humans must look eternity in enacting instruments which remain well for future generations, and it can not do that by building on lies and falsehood. You can lie in your privacy, it can still minimize the impacts, but as regards public affairs, I believe in being transparent and not outwit the lives of others. : Your intellectual courage is admirable, given that you had so many opportunities to do as others who have been enriched by drawing from the soup kitchen and stealing public money. You have chosen the path of righteousness, he must say that is impressive, and it shows a strength of character. From where can you resist the forces for all these channels easily?

Doumbia Major: I think it's a matter of education. It is not given to everybody to see a delicious dish at hand while he is hungry and willing to go without just because it is said that this dish is not for him.
You know there are many people in Côte d'Ivoire does not understand me because they say and know that if they were in my position they could not resist the easy money. Since these people have not the strength of character I have, they say that if Doumbia Major criticizes those who steal public property, either because he has been frustrated, either because they refused to appoint him minister. I heard all kinds of nonsense circulating, from people who know me more do not even. Afterwards, he must understand people, everyone says what he wants is to give value or to disparage those who have values that they can not themselves have.
You know perhaps, but I can boast of being among the few people in Côte d'Ivoire who never wanted to take any advantage of their activism. At the time of signature Marcoussis agreements, when we proposed those who wanted to be a minister, I am one of the few who refused to provide a list of ministers. Even when I had suggested I respectfully declined because I feel that I lead my fight not a fight to be a minister. Warrant Officer Tuo Fozié with whom I had discussions on the issue at Hotel Port Royal until dawn is still alive and can testify that it does things that never interested me . I am fighting for the welfare of the people, for justice and dignity of the people the satisfaction that I can take small victories that we have in this fight, enough for me. : It's true that many people do not understand, because we usually see something else in Africa. Generally people are fighting for positions and get rich and you are quite the opposite of those people there. Is not that amazing?

Doumbia Major: You know the whole thing whether we can sleep quietly at home, at night, when we know we are in the wrong and that trick against the interests of the masses!
When you steal public money, the thing that belongs to everyone and that is enriched with it while the real owners are in misery.
When one is personally rich by stealing public money when we buy houses in Europe, when it can be treated in Europe or in Morocco, and it educates its children to the best universities in the world, whereas owners of wealth are being stolen in the hungry, and they die because they have medications and their children are in the street.
When a politician does that and he manages to sleep peacefully at night with him, and in addition he manages to wake up to look in the mirror without remorse, I feel myself that this man is is a criminal unconscious.
Personally, I can not defend the false and steal things that are not mine, while sleeping peacefully at home in the evening. Even when I discovered a simple or a credit with my bank I can not sleep, so if I come to steal public money that you say will be hard to look at myself in the mirror, especially if I know the owners of these properties are suffering and dying from poverty and disease because of me.
That's a question of education and we can not help myself I was raised in Catholic schools where I got all the elementary school and college, I also Koranic school education and this double forbade me to steal what belongs to others, these are things that you stick in the unconscious. I consider that the first prison is consciousness, one can escape the justice of men, but we can not escape his own conscience, if any. If I stay right because I do not do things that are out of step with my conscience. It's that I draw my strength of character. : Very few men are asking these questions: it's really a matter of education

Doumbia Major: Yes it's true but I believe that more and more people should ask themselves these questions, I think it necessary, and this is the fruit of education, which passes by the school and home. We are not asking parents to brutalize their children, but everyone has to inculcate ethical values to his children to build a just society.
You know sometimes I wonder if my parents have not done wrong to educate me in this way so rigorous. For I too find myself in a fair society where the majority is dishonest and unfair. So we want to be fair and honest are appearing as a minority and even sometimes as inadequate. Frankly I wonder when I see this rotten society, I sometimes wonder if I'm not in the wrong in wanting to be just a rotten world, but I can not help that these values are embedded in me. : You do not find that it's worth it to be a defender of the poor and voiceless even if it has a very high cost?

Doumbia Major: Although sure it's worth it, every way I know to do it and I was educated for that, but when a whole society is corrupt majority, even those you are defending you can see an enemy, for themselves despite the fact that they are victims await the opportunity to fly. They often complain only because they are not in the right place and not their values. This is what we saw with the REIT, which has produced new Raiders known refounders, but also with some members of the new forces that reproduce those they decried among others.
When in this case you else you continue to condemn such practices as the man you appear to be slaughtered, as the traitor. And it's a shame. In this case what you have to do is to make the break to continue your fight. But if you do not have a strong personality can you take the easy way since you have the support of a group in which everybody vol.
I'm not a superman, but I still have values, but maybe if I were in Ivory Coast and I was limited in my opportunities, I would like those who fell. Maybe it's because I live in Europe that I resist some more. Of all the ways it is not for me to judge. : We remain convinced that other men who need to defend values to build a respectable

Doumbia Major : Yes it's true, I agree with you, but maybe the values I have are related to Question circumstances. I am very fortunate to be in a society that has other values. Often we say that the circumstances and the societies in which we live also create thieves. Maybe if I was subject to certain misery as are many of our countrymen, without hope or opportunity, maybe I should think and act differently. So I think it is society that must change, because in a society where people are the minimum for living, there is less corruption. Evil, it is these politicians who plunder all while maintaining their fellow citizens in poverty to keep them from the weapon of hunger and misery. : That may be true what you say, but the fact that you're here in Europe to experience the difficulties of the life of an African immigrant is already evidence that you are a man of integrity, right?

Doumbia Major: It's true that I could have stayed at home to praise from some politicians. It would have taken shelter need, and I was away, as some cars and escort after politicians without sharing their projects or their ideology. I chose to deprive myself of these things and refuse to take the path of shortcuts, because I am not a follower. I'd rather save my dignity than to accept being the puppet of one of my fellows. I believe that humans are equal and I do not kowtowing to someone live.
But you know, I think I understand some of my friends who are in positions of servants, many people who have not completed their studies and as normal does not qualify for a job with objectivity. This may explain the fact that they chose shortcuts. I does not excuse one another, but it is possible that this explains their voracious appetite and rapacious behaviors they develop. : But you could yield to the call of the facility and accept proposals and act like them?

Doumbia Major: True, but it depends on the nature of people, it's true that it is not indecent proposals and tantalizing missing, but you should know that by nature I am very unselfish. Those who know me and that I attend will tell you. I am someone who has learned to be content with the basics and I'm insensitive to luxury goods we offered to appear. I'm not flashy style, and I laugh rather what kind of people who want to look chic with objects imported while the people they belong to know nothing fabriquer.Quand it is simply a consumer who does knows anything about manufacturing, I think we should have a little shame, instead of proudly displayed with other objects that produce them.
Since I'm in Europe I do not go to nightclubs, I do not smoke and I do not drink alcohol. I have a very simple life of a man who is not envious.
You know I'm assuming that two meals a day are enough for me, and I am sure of one thing: a room and a bed to sleep enough for me to sleep, I not need a castle to live.
When we were young and even campus we shared our rooms and beds with friends, it does not kill us.
It seems that some forget that they are mortal beings. Knowing that I am a mortal being, awaiting his day and a certain end, I think I can settle for less vital, without it takes away something. This is not because I'll have a castle where luxury items that I'm immortal! The key for me is that I'm healthy, I sleep in the shelter from the weather and my body is covered with clean clothes. I say that from the moment the minimum that I can meet my needs and I have a physiological shelter, rest and the important thing is to see what will be my contribution to improving the lives of generations to come. The important thing is what is left to improve the condition of the human species. What would my pride is to say that I am part of a developed nation, not to accumulate property luxury and enjoyment, for me, so that my people is among the poorest in the world. : That's really what give meaning to his life, it makes us think of men like Thomas Sankara or N'kruma.

Doumbia Major: You know these people are great men that history judges to have donated them to the other person is a lifestyle choice, I want to walk humbly in their footsteps. The question I ask myself night and day is whether what will be my contribution to improving the lives of others and especially those of my fellow citizens who live in a homeland where they have not chosen to be born. These citizens did not choose to be born in Ivory Coast, and all we must do for them is to ensure that this land of birth can guarantee them a decent life before they die, because we are all called to die one day.
In my case, all I would like one day as a reward is that my nation and my people I award a medal just for that man to give his life for everyone and that He has advanced the lives of the majority. That's what I like to have one day as a reward. A simple fruit medal of recognition of pairs of my generation I will leave to posterity the day I of my departure. I have no need to enrich myself or need fame, recognition of future generations will be my salary and my wealth. That's what motivates my action and not the acquisition of very ephemeral and transient. That is the deeper meaning of my political involvement. It is a struggle of good against evil as some make a majority.
is why I fight all the thieves of public money, and I am voting wherever there is injustice against my people. That's why I fight all the hate speech such as tribalism and racism. I am fighting for justice and for equality between humans. It is also the struggle for equality and justice that makes me fight for a fair distribution of wealth and resources to citizens who live in our country. : You ask yourself as a real power cons when we know that leaders are the causes of the ills you describe?

Doumbia Major: I believe that evil is found in humans remains a predator for his fellows. It is this evil must be fought quelqu'en the perpetrators, be they governments or private citizens. This evil has a name: it is selfishness, megalomania, prevarication, the tendencies to our fellow slaves, the trends towards domination of the other, injustice etc..
There are some humans who do not understand that no person shall be owned by a fellow human. They did not understand that humans are born with equal rights and they must respect each other and not abuse each other. It is against these raptors that we fight for the advent a more just society. I hope you understand the meaning of our struggle, I remain open to further discussion but for now duty calls and I must leave, we will have the opportunity to explore these issues later. : Your fight is really legitimate and worth supporting.

Doumbia Major: Thanks for the support, I wish you good day, and your readers hoping you will join the front of refusal to continue the fight. It is expected that each puts its energy to the provision of that fight is the fight for us all is the struggle for a new society is the struggle for the emergence of a new order. : thank you for this interview and good luck to you Mr. Doumbia Major

Doumbia Major: Thanks to you too soon and

Interview by Arthur Gerome Soizic for