Monday, March 29, 2010

Pregnancy And Truffles

A winter in great shape

Do not be fooled .... this is not my little ladybug air which brought back the good weather these days ... but the spring. It was therefore high time to give you my news.

My second Christmas this time I understood the concept of the gift. A box, big or small in brightly colored paper and I am super excited .... ouaaahhhhhhhh whenever

This is my
Mamili me read a great story

Seen and reviewed but it works every time!

Christmas with all my big cousins Fabre and Nicolas ... 9 until the day it made some packages under the tree!

And then I discovered lots of new stuff this winter

my tricycle on which I super skull donf soon as I can

explanations friends at the nursery (in fact I dare say is that c 'is a girl who made me a giant scar ... but Sh)

This year the must it was snow. .. it was even served in Issy

But my favorite is Sunday morning, with the cool dad ...

A trip to Le Mans with the boys who grow up as well as I: we has exploded in ball pools and on the trampoline ... I hope we will return ...

But when the evening comes ... I become a little loulou very cuddly with my "some" softies

I any cons "mamaman" when she read me a story

but sometimes I feel that I bowl with something ....

Everyone keeps telling me I'm having a little brother so I can see that "mamaman" ate too much cake but I still can not see the wag to appear ...

I remain alert and I'll let you know ok?


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Planters Chezze Puffs

MS Keyboard

As you probably know HTC ezsip 2.1 disables native winmo SIP methods like handwriting and the native keyboard. Luckily you can reenable these via some regkeys.

First create the following dword value:


Now go HKCR\CLSID\ and find the GUID of the SIP you want to enable:

Keyboard -> {42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
Block Recognizer -> {42429691-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
Letter Recognizer -> {42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
Transcriber -> {F0034DD0-2AD4-11d1-9CB0-E84BE8000000}
Phone Pad -> {51A2CB38-154E-4C92-A625-A83871C99EC2}

then open the subkey IsSIPInputMethod and change the default value to 1

For example, if you want to enable the MS keyboard, make the following modification:


Now you can copy and past in any application using ctrl+c and ctrl+v

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tech Deck Live. The Normal Game

[HOWTO] Enable text mode and disable Start / OK keys in 6.5.x


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Ball Yaoi

Eliminating the HTC customizations on the HD2

- Désactiver "HTC Notification Manager" :
HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\Flags = 4

- Disable "HTC Notifications Enhancer:
HKLM \\ System \\ Shell \\ Notification \\ OEM \\ UseDefaultUI = 1

or Delete HKLM \\ System \\ Shell \\ Notification \\ OEM

- Disable" HTC Menu :
HKLM \\ System \\ GWE \\ Menu \\ CUIHandler

= 0 - Disable "HTC Date Picker"
Delete HKLM \\ System \\ GWE \\ Commctrl \\ CustomDateTimeCtrl

- Disable "HTC Task Icons" (drums, signal level ...) and & "Pin Dialer"
Delete HKLM \\ Security \\ Résovi \\ Bitmaps

- Disable "HTC Volume"
HKLM \\ Services \\ HTCVOLUME \\ Flags = 4

- Disable "HTC CommManager" (from the system tray):
HKLM \\ ControlPanel \\ WrlsMgr \\ Redirect = "MSWRLSMGR"

- Disable "HTC Dialer"
HKLM \\ Security \\ Phone \\ Skin \\ Enabled = 0

Problem: when you disable the HTC dialer, you lose the feature that turns off the screen during a call using the proximity sensor.

Fortunately, by modifying a registry key, you get this function with the default WM dialer:
HKML \\ System \\ State \\ Phone \\ PSensorStatus = 1

However, this registry key is reset at each reset. I created a little script "Mortscript" which puts the value "1" on the first call.

- Disable "HTC Messaging App"
Using "Disable HTC Zenyee Messaging"

- Disable "HTC Contact Chooser"
Delete "HKLM \\ Security \\ Contacts \\ Chooser" & "HKLM \\ Security \\ Contacts \\ PropertyPicker "

- Disable HTC police in the Start menu:
Delete" HKLM \\ Security \\ Shell \\ StartMenu "

- Delete" HTC Battery & Backlight "
Copy the content of "" in the folder \\ Windows (overwrite the files if necessary)

- Delete "HTC Device Info"
Copy the contents of "" in the folder "\\ Windows "(overwrite the files if necessary)

Files (on XDA-Developers)

- Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging