Eliminating the HTC customizations on the HD2
- Désactiver "HTC Notification Manager" :
HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\Flags = 4
- Disable "HTC Notifications Enhancer:
HKLM \\ System \\ Shell \\ Notification \\ OEM \\ UseDefaultUI = 1
or Delete HKLM \\ System \\ Shell \\ Notification \\ OEM
- Disable" HTC Menu :
HKLM \\ System \\ GWE \\ Menu \\ CUIHandler
= 0 - Disable "HTC Date Picker"
Delete HKLM \\ System \\ GWE \\ Commctrl \\ CustomDateTimeCtrl
- Disable "HTC Task Icons" (drums, signal level ...) and & "Pin Dialer"
Delete HKLM \\ Security \\ Résovi \\ Bitmaps
- Disable "HTC Volume"
HKLM \\ Services \\ HTCVOLUME \\ Flags = 4
- Disable "HTC CommManager" (from the system tray):
HKLM \\ ControlPanel \\ WrlsMgr \\ Redirect = "MSWRLSMGR"
- Disable "HTC Dialer"
HKLM \\ Security \\ Phone \\ Skin \\ Enabled = 0
Problem: when you disable the HTC dialer, you lose the feature that turns off the screen during a call using the proximity sensor.
Fortunately, by modifying a registry key, you get this function with the default WM dialer:
HKML \\ System \\ State \\ Phone \\ PSensorStatus = 1
However, this registry key is reset at each reset. I created a little script "Mortscript" which puts the value "1" on the first call.
- Disable "HTC Messaging App"
Using "Disable HTC Zenyee Messaging 1.2.cab"
- Disable "HTC Contact Chooser"
Delete "HKLM \\ Security \\ Contacts \\ Chooser" & "HKLM \\ Security \\ Contacts \\ PropertyPicker "
- Disable HTC police in the Start menu:
Delete" HKLM \\ Security \\ Shell \\ StartMenu "
- Delete" HTC Battery & Backlight "
Copy the content of "HTCBB.zip" in the folder \\ Windows (overwrite the files if necessary)
- Delete "HTC Device Info"
Copy the contents of "HTCDI.zip" in the folder "\\ Windows "(overwrite the files if necessary)
Files (on XDA-Developers)
- Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging
- HTCBB.zip
- HTCDI.zip
- Psensor.zip
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