Debate: Doumbia Major / Bernard Doza Suite 2
A journalist friend, Hyacinthe Kouakou the journal "Intelligence", I wanted to give my opinion on some issues. In particular the election date and the remarks made by Mr Laurent Gbagbo at the 20th anniversary of FESCI. I put the contents of this exchange available to my readers of my political blog:
Reporter: Do you believe in elections for October 31, 2010?
Doumbia Major: I believe that faith and politics do not mix It is believed when we are in religion, but political actors are compelled to act by imposing on them the threat of sanction or inssurection. Politicians react when their mandate or their interests are threatened. Those with a little dignity react when they feel that their honor will be threatened if they do not respect their commitments publicly. Obviously this is not true of our politicians, who are the majority of them people without dignity, since they do not respect their word and their own commitments. So there is reason to be skeptical.
Reporter: So do you think that elections are not sustainable for October 31?
Doumbia Major: Elections are tenable, but I'm skeptical, and my skepticism is based on the recent history of those who are the organizers. When people who have promised to make an election in 10 months have moved 7 times, you understand that we draw the conclusion that these are people who are not reliable! Of all the ways these elections there will not solve the problem that was the cause of war, for more than 20 million inhabitants there are only 5 million who are registered 25 percent. What credibility will have a president elected by 25 per cent of Ivorian. In addition, in the 25% he will need only half to be elected. Well, I think that a president be elected by 2 million out of a population of 20 million will really be a problem of legitimacy.
The second thing is that the hatred and exclusion remain in the words and hearts. Seen in the discussion forums and seen radiation at some of our fellow citizens with voter lists. There are always some of our fellow citizens who still believe they should exclude other citizens of the collective national heritage on the basis of their surnames or on the basis of the color of their skin. They do not know or not they have difficulty accepting that despite his skin Metis, the son of Gbagbo's Ivorian as they are and as such it has the same rights.
Moreover, we note that the war was justified as a fight against corruption and looting of collective resources, but some of those who have rebelled against the regime are enriched themselves illicitly and looted banks and community resources. What is unfortunate is that we see as the looting and violations of human rights are happening on both others and unfortunately, without consulting the people, criminals collude- them amnesty for economic crimes and violent crimes. This demonstrates that there is some complicity in the acts that arise against the people. What nation can it be built without justice?
Journalist: What is your comment on the speech of the President of the Republic, held on the occasion of his last visit to the campus?
Doumbia Major: It was a speech simply irresponsible and unacceptable for a statesman. This is negligence on the part of a president to suggest to young students into prostitution to pay their tuition. It is an objectification of women, worthy of misogynist the worst kind. You realize! A student poses a question to the President on the paradox of rising tuition fees, when misery is widespread in the country. And he finds the answer to give is that the girl should go ask one of his guys to pay the registration fee.
is a lack of ethics, and for comments from a father is irresponsible. That's about it enttend of the mouth of irresponsible fathers who insidiously push their children to go into prostitution. We do not encourage young pupils and students from his country into prostitution to pay their tuition. It is immoral and unworthy of a President of the Republic. When there is poverty in a country, the president and his government are responsible for finding solutions to this, by creating jobs and the state support to the poor in such situations is does not push his fellow citizens to begging or prostitution.
When you're in a country like ours or some of our countrymen do not gain 20 000 francs per month for lack of work, it does not mount entry to 50000 FCFA
Journalist: why say you think is it irresponsible?
Doumbia Major: look for yourself, a president who asked the girls to his country to beg or sell their bodies to fund their right to education. You find it worthy of a person who is responsible?
Reporter: Okay, but what do you say when he can not find the name of the ministry in charge of the university?
Doumbia Major: For the name of a department that does not exist, it is not a problem everyone can have a memory lapse. But as regards his comments on the registration fee, it is statements that are not worthy of someone claiming to be socialist and in addition a man who calls himself the champion of the poor.
Even in France where people are living wage, tuition fees are refunded to students who are poor or who are fellows. But I definitely think that Gbagbo is defending his own person and his clansmen who enrich themselves while the Ivorians are becoming increasingly poor. Watch yourself when you pass tuition to 50000 FCFA ultimately it is the rich kids who will have the right to university. The poor in turn will go cafop or elsewhere. So by these measures, we will ensure that the rich have access to higher education and the poor will remain at the bottom of the social ladder. As a result, the school becomes the place and means of reproduction of inequality and social hierarchy. Out is against this that we fought when we were in FESCI, and it is distressing to see that it is under Gbagbo that such things happen. Who told him that with one billion he could solve all the problems of students. Today it has a budget of 75 billion and now it is passed tuition fees from 6000 to 50000 frs frs. And that's when the students became more miserable. At the same time their union officials who have sold their souls to the devil circulate in air-conditioned cars. In our time, no member of the Student Union office had cars at his disposal, and we fought sincerely for that student life does not deteriorate. I believe that students who have common sense will understand that Gbagbo has betrayed and they will sanction severely in the polls, if these hypothetical elections October 31, 2010 were to take place.
Reporter: Okay, but you'll be told that the mutations led to put the country in tatters and there is no money.
Doumbia Major: and yet the national budget is spent 2.5 trillion with new oil revenues, customs revenues and the new gold fields, in addition to the profits on agricultural products. Note that in these 2500 billion Gbagbo on his own custody about 1 part in 20, ie 75 billion, while the 20 million Ivorians must share the remaining 19 shares. Do not forget that in this there remains the treatment of debt that must be subtracted. It is clear that the president and his clan who profit when the Ivorian poorer. So grace, we should not take remained for the Ivorians, we all know at least calculate