Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To Put Tilt On Lax Helmet

Exclusive Interview / / Doumbia Major: I am fighting for justice and equality among human beings.

Gbagbo has explicitly asked students to go into prostitution to pay their registration fee. Was I wrong in characterizing the remarks as irresponsible from a president?

When students (who are training for workers in the country) you say they have no money to pay their tuition, one that represents the country do not tell them that you have to go begging or prostitution to be formed. We form for ourselves, but it is also formed for the country. So in this sense the education of youth is in the interest of national community and that is why the state should invest in training. Training is an investment for a country, it is not a loss.
That said, you Gbagbo, who represents the state, when young training you pose such a problem on their participation at the expense of their training, and that you are yourself aware that you have not created jobs, and that citizens are in poverty, you do not ask them go ask the guys for their money to register. And the boys when they go into prostitution to women who can maintain them?
How can a president and push his fellow citizens to begging while fleeing the state responsibilities towards citizens! We do not have fun with people's lives. Gbagbo himself has girls as a father, can he push her daughters into the arms of guys to frica they draw register to do their studies? In this way, where is the morality, ethics where it is supposed to embody as a father and time as president. It is unfortunate to say but because Gbagbo government think people who behave like sheep that can output this kind of laughing about.
So my position is clear, I am shocked by these comments from someone who represents my country in time as president. I am ashamed.
After this public insult he has just uttered against the misery of the suffering people, he'll have to show him that the Ivorian are not sheep or people without dignity, he will push to beg or prostitute themselves to live, when he allows himself a budget of 75 billion sovereign and his friends plundered the economy and wealth the country.
Gbagbo behaves like a poor surprised by her sudden unexpected richness. He became arrogant and abusive towards the other poor. To cure him of his arrogance, it should be back to where he comes to know what it is that misery and that respects the dignity of poor people who still do not sell their soul to the devil for their sustenance.


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