Friday, October 29, 2010

Mount And Blade For Mac?

back from the abyss?

Comments free ...

Graph Data Available here format Open Office Calc.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Itchy Feet Bad Circulation

The son of "mischievous kid"

And yes, the secret was well kept but today it is necessary that the truth comes out Updated: Cabri facetious is the totem of Dam when he was a pity.
You'll notice that the apple does not fall far from the tree ...

Funny Hens Night Invitation Wording

Gimme a Break!

in the mountains ...

... the sea ..

Petit passage Frohmuhl ... with the small little cousin ... too cute this small and very funny Elsa

The Pyla 2010 ... excellent year once again

Dark Frothy Urine Stones

After Brigitte and Jim, Jack and Fred here ... 4

2 godmothers and 2 godfathers, like a little spoiled what Noah

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Klonapin Expiration Date

Beveridge, now?

The work of Peter Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen and Chris Pissarides, winning this year by the Central Bank of Sweden prize in memory of Alfred Nobel, can be designed as a deepening of the famous "Beveridge curve", named after the famous lord, who inspired the British Welfare State.

Beveridge brings together, in a curve, the unemployment rate and the rate of vacancies.

As seen on curve 1, he assumed, quite logically, that the greater the number of vacancies will be important, the higher the unemployment rate will be low. More employers need employees, they are more willing to hire even if they do not comply fully, which has the effect of lowering unemployment. Thus, over the economic cycle, the unemployment rate fluctuates along the curve 1. More good times, the number of vacancies increases, and unemployment is falling.

Beveridge calls "full employment" situation where the number of unemployed is equal to the number of vacancies, although the unemployment rate is high (point corresponding to the intersection of the curve and the right slope 45 °). Indeed, if in this situation, there are unemployed it does not result from a situation of "underemployment equilibrium" within the meaning of his contemporary Keynes. This is not because aggregate demand is lacking as there is unemployment, because employers can not find employees who meet (and vice versa). So this is a problem related to microeconomic labor market. In particular, this situation may result from the fact that employers may have difficulty in finding the employees they seek or, conversely, the unemployed may have trouble finding the jobs they wish to occupy.

If these difficulties are increasing, it does not fluctuate more then the curve 1. Instead, the curve 1, we proceed to curve 2. It is now a number of vacancies than before to achieve the same unemployment rate. The labor market works less well.

The work of Peter Diamond, Dale T. Chris Mortensen and Pissarides consisted, like many works in economics mainstream since the 1970s, finding microfoundations able to explain the labor market "works" more or less well. To do this, they made models in which rational actors seek to maximize their utility, depending on the context (including the presence of unemployment benefits) in finding jobs (the unemployed) or potential employees (for companies). There is a excellent summary of these assays Delaigue Alexander's blog éconoclaste.

The main basis for these tests are performed by a series of articles ranging roughly from 1981 to 1993. The date of these publications is not an accident. They testify to the news at the time of the Beveridge curve.

With the recession of the late 1970s, the unemployment rate does not increase: the Beveridge curve moves. One reason for this displacement is that Blanchard, who co-authored a number of articles of Diamond, called the hysteresis effect of unemployment. Gradually, as unemployment increases and its duration increases, the unemployed déqualifient lack of experience. They are therefore less employable: the unemployment rate can no longer return to its pre-crisis. The Beveridge curve and moves to the right of the graph. It is, then, essential to understand how to improve the efficiency of the labor market to reduce such effects. And that suggest that the winning work by the Bank of Sweden this year.

are not available in France series statistics on the number of vacancies. The only information, although less reliable, which is approaching the number of industrial firms that report difficulties in their recruitment. We therefore constructed from this variable, 'near Beveridge curves.

If we cross this variable and the unemployment rate for men (mainly concerned with industrial jobs), here's what we found:
As you can see, the for the 1993 recession, the near Beveridge curve moves right. We go from the blue line to the red. Between early and late 1990s, there are two points of unemployment in addition to an equivalent number of firms that report having recruitment difficulties. The reasons for this shift are many, but it seems that the hysteresis effect plays an essential role. The unemployed are unskilled as and as the crisis lasts.

With the 2000s, thanks to a modest "activation" of employment policies, the Beveridge curve was again shifted to the left, but never reached its previous position : The yellow curve shifts slowly and erratically to the left. (In women, the movement is much stronger sign of improving their integration into the labor market: Almost curve is now much more left in 1990).

We see that the recession that began in 2008 led to a shift along the new Beveridge curve (the curve ends at second quarter 2010 included).

We have indeed not changed Beveridge curve, with increasing unemployment rates: we do that we move exceptionally quickly, on the curve that existed before the crisis. This increase is the product of an economy marked by a lack of demand, not an increase in structural unemployment. That's what keeps hammering, for the case of U.S., Paul Krugman on his blog (see especially this post ).

One of the key issues of economic policy in the coming years is indeed clear: it is absolutely necessary that the curve no longer moves to the right, as it did during the 1990s. This would condemn us to relive the human and economic mess of the 1980s and 1990s.

is especially against this yardstick that must assess the potential nuisance that austerity policies proud European politicians: in stopping the recovery, they threaten to turn an unemployment "Keynesian" unemployment in structural. And put down with the scant progress achieved in the functioning of the labor market in France for 15 years.


As part of improving service to readers of my blog, I intend to make available the data from the graphs of tickets. For this post, they are available here . They are supplied in a file in Calc Open Office open source, freely downloadable here .

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Creative Extigy Inyerface

In the lair of the REIT and Patriots Pro-Gbagbo

Dear friend (s), dear friends, my supporters and sympathizers, I inform you that after discussions we held with several political organizations, we have finally signed a political agreement with the MFA Mr. ANAK Kobenan who has pledged to increase the programmatic proposals that are ours.

The MFA and its chairman after making the amendments they wanted, informed us that they fully adhere to the program we have proposed and whose essential elements included in the preamble of our union and our support, which is available on my blog

Given this agreement, we committed to provide our full support to the CRA (Republican Agenda for Change) that defend selflessly, Mr. Anak Kobenan, who is a candidate for the presidential election.

We want a change and we will fight for that to happen, and this in alliance with those who commit to it and wishes the welfare of the people.

It is under this agreement in lieu of public engagement that we are asking all fellow activists, and all supporters of our efforts to make available to our common struggle for the change that the candidate is ANAK Kobenan megaphone.

We urge all Democrats everywhere to support this action for freedom of the people against their oppressors.

All those who want the departure of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo, who has ruined the national unity, united in the popular struggle, hard democratic and that we will until his departure from power.

The time has come and know, dear brothers and sisters that fight is a fight which led and the objective is clear. It will be conducted with our active support, until the final victory, which will be the people's victory.

Doumbia S. Major

How Long Does It Take For Cold Press Soap To Cure

The country I miss there?

Manifesto urging the CPR and the MFA and in lieu of public commitment to the nation.

Together we can!

Under the presidential 2010, Mr. Anak Kobenan, Chairman of the MFA, has conducted a series of exchange meetings and discussions with the Ivorian political leaders and political organizations living in the diaspora.
These discussions focused on the analysis of the country situation and the urgency to act together on this to change the future of Ivorians who languish in poverty, the lack of democracy and social injustice in a context where the country is looted by some political actors who were held hostage by a population terrorized by violence and manipulated with ethnic and religious arguments.

many of these exchanges, it was noted strong convergence of views between the MFA and the RPC chaired Mr. Doumbia S. Staff.
Management MFA led by Mr. Anak Kobenan and that of CPR led by Mr. Doumbia Major have therefore accepted to hold negotiations on programmatic issues of national importance include:

1 - The issue of respect for law to life, human dignity and the right of all citizens to benefit from the equitable redistribution of common wealth, which requires the establishment of a minimum income for disabled vital heavy and Ivorian who do not work independently of their will, support and facilitation for the creation of businesses that create jobs and support for development projects and industrialization
2 - The question of the introduction of the allowance pension and free health care to all farmers from 60.

3 - The issue of free and compulsory education until the age of 16 years and the issue of free transport for students below a certain threshold of poverty.

4 - The issue of free care for the Ivorians below a certain poverty

5 - The issues of identification, banking services, and addressing mandatory

6 - The question of national identity, citizenship and unity National

7 - The question of the fight against corruption, cheating and account theft of public funds as high treason against the people's interests, not subject to amnesty and laid down the ultimate sanction by our laws.

These 7 points have been agreed with the publication takes the place of commitment to the nation.

It was decided to release the discussion on these important issues for the future of the nation, in the context of this election and the following, the RPC will partner to jointly launch an MFA Action Republican for Change.

This momentum carried by the President of the MFA will be a national drive to open all the sensibilities that wish for a new Côte d'Ivoire:

-Redistribution of wealth through the establishment of a living wage which is evidence of respect for the dignity and the right to life of our citizens who do not work for lack of jobs or because of a severe handicap.

-The introduction of free and compulsory education up to age 16 and free transport for students and students under very modest.

-The establishment of the retirement allowance and free care for elderly farmers, whose contributions have paid for the operation of the country they have built by the fruits of their labor.

-The introduction of free care for the Ivorians below a certain threshold of poverty

-Setting in place a policy of social modernization through the full resumption of the identification archaic just made, the compulsory introduction of banking and addressing mandatory.

-definition of national identity, based on the union of successive individuals and peoples, united by a desire to live together and a willingness to confront together the challenges of development and not on a count ethnographic unhealthy whose only referred is to control the ethnic groups by tribal leaders.

-The establishment of a policy against corruption, cheating cronyism and favoritism. In sum, it will establish a New Côte d'Ivoire in which the theft of public money will be regarded as high treason against the people's interests, it will be considered non amnestied and liable to punishment Supreme under our laws.

In light of these commitments in the interest of the people of Côte d'Ivoire The CPR decided to join the struggle of the MFA and all other organizations will join around the Republican Action for change, which will be worn by Mr. Anak Kobenan. The latter has vowed to fight selflessly for the triumph of that struggle which seeks only to overcome the interests of the people of Côte d'Ivoire.

CPR, led by Mr. S. Doumbia Staff will support this battle completely until the final victory will be the people's victory over the forces of social regression.

Done at Paris on 9 0ctober 2010