Thursday, October 14, 2010

Creative Extigy Inyerface

In the lair of the REIT and Patriots Pro-Gbagbo

Dear friend (s), dear friends, my supporters and sympathizers, I inform you that after discussions we held with several political organizations, we have finally signed a political agreement with the MFA Mr. ANAK Kobenan who has pledged to increase the programmatic proposals that are ours.

The MFA and its chairman after making the amendments they wanted, informed us that they fully adhere to the program we have proposed and whose essential elements included in the preamble of our union and our support, which is available on my blog

Given this agreement, we committed to provide our full support to the CRA (Republican Agenda for Change) that defend selflessly, Mr. Anak Kobenan, who is a candidate for the presidential election.

We want a change and we will fight for that to happen, and this in alliance with those who commit to it and wishes the welfare of the people.

It is under this agreement in lieu of public engagement that we are asking all fellow activists, and all supporters of our efforts to make available to our common struggle for the change that the candidate is ANAK Kobenan megaphone.

We urge all Democrats everywhere to support this action for freedom of the people against their oppressors.

All those who want the departure of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo, who has ruined the national unity, united in the popular struggle, hard democratic and that we will until his departure from power.

The time has come and know, dear brothers and sisters that fight is a fight which led and the objective is clear. It will be conducted with our active support, until the final victory, which will be the people's victory.

Doumbia S. Major


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