Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walima Invite Template

interview on the news of two events: the October 2010 election and the speech Gbagbo at the University of Cocody

"I went to Côte d'Ivoire to prevent the blaze universities "The Refoundation is a dangerous regime" Bedie has shown he is a statesman "Difficult journey from exile of a man: Ghana, Mali, France. These Doumbia Major, the former number two Fesci under President Charles Ble Goude, he returned home after ten years of exile to take part "in the fight for change in Cote d'Ivoire." In the interview he has given us, the man explains his position and sheds light on the origin of the war of machetes on campus and in dormitories. He talks about his academic background, false plots of the Fesci under Henri Konan Bedie, called on Ivorians to vote RHDP. He is also on trial scheme Refoundation while making a tribute to Henri Konan Bedie.
You were Secretary General organizing the Student and School Federation of Côte d'Ivoire (Fesci) under the mandate of Charles Ble Goude. Some point, you were out of bed with this organization, what has happened?
It has been ten years since I left Côte d'Ivoire. I went to preserve my physical integrity. The FPI, in his time in alliance with Ble Goude decided to eliminate us, myself and a number of my comrades. Who had refused to allow the movement of students, FESCI be exploited by the FPI. We said no to caporalisation the student movement because we felt that this movement has a base plural, it was not good to take positions in policy debates for a candidate. This is what Ble Goude. We said no to that. And this neutral position we have defended has earned us to be prosecuted in this country and we have wanted to kill us, we have been tortured in that country. We lost our friend Hervé Kouassi in the city of Williamsville, Bakayoko Memissa to the City of Vridi Kignelman and Kone Mouroulaye to the city Abobo after we lost a brother Abib Dodo. Faced with these acts, you understand that we could not continue to resist without massacres, would be at a larger scale. So we decided to withdraw to avoid heating up the universities.
And where exactly are you gone?
We pulled, we went to Ghana which was our first place of exile. After we found some of our comrades in exile in Bamako. We spent a bit time with them, and after personally we found ourselves in France.
Have you had any further studies? Before leaving Abidjan, what was your level?
I made the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) parallel with my studies in psychology department where I did the mastering. In France, I did a degree in science education University Paris 12. After I did a Master with the title of project manager development training. In the pursuit of my research, I also did a Masters in Political Communication, whose title was able to talk and societies. After the Master, I continued in doctoral expertise and I specialized in the automated analysis of speech. I was also about the defense, since I finished my writing, but I decided to make the choice to return, because I thought that my country found itself facing a turning point What historic elections took place there. After more than ten years of struggle, and it was important that I bring a hand in the fight for change, because what happened was a sort of culmination of the struggle that we began over 10 years . I lead this fight since my early youth is a fight for the betterment of my people and for the future of my country.
You also created a political organization?
I created a political organization. But it should be noted that I also worked abroad in international organizations such qu'Emdh (child of the world human right) is represented in over 27 countries. I am also the author of a book "The manifesto for Africa" can be found in leading universities such as Stanford University, the National Library of France and several universities in Germany. And even the Library of Congress United States. It is a work of psycho-sociological analysis on the realities on the development of Africa. The exile was a time for us to retreat, analysis and maturity. We've leveraged our exile in organizing support for political action for change in Cote d'Ivoire. We worked in the direction of supporting forces fighting in Côte d'Ivoire, and in this framework we have established the Pan-African Congress for Renewal. Which is a party led by comrades remained in Côte d'Ivoire. He is now represented in North America, Europe and even Asia. It is through political education that we are committed to supporting the candidate of the RHDP, to help her win.
Returning to the Fesci under your leadership, this organization has had great difficulties to the point where your secretary general was chained by the scheme while on a hospital bed. What was it like?
I already raised this question when I said today in Côte d'Ivoire, there are false hero. There are people who present themselves as victims when they are not. What you do not mind losing it that the union struggle and political struggle over what are the communication. When you are union and you're dealing with a power, you put all of a communication device in place to weaken the power. That's how it works.
Regarding this story chain Ble Goude I think we need to clarify people once and for good leave the appearance pathetic and emotional, to present the thing in her nakedness. When we were students, we have a lot of thought and work in this direction because we were dealing with power Bédié. Then our secretary general, brother Ble Goude was solved some time in jail. It was for us to find ways to get out of jail (I was in my office the direction of the fight). We have implemented a plan to release wheat. And the plan we have put in place was to ensure that wheat is found in the hospital. It ourselves that developed this plan. Ten years later we can talk. The plan was to make it to the hospital and that the comrades go looking for release. Because we feel at the time that his arrest was unfair and he should not go to jail. And therefore against the law, we have decided to release our comrade. The scenario was set up was to pretend to be sick so he was transferred to a hospital and once at the hospital they can go get him. Wheat is a good actor, he played his full part of the cast. He became past and he got sick at the Hospital of Treichville when under all our scenarios we thought it would be at Chu Yopougon. Friends who were prepared to release in Yopougon were in phase and our release plan ended up in disarray. Telephone exchanges had been filtered by the police forces who knew that we had put in place a plan to release our comrade. The police decided to use Ble Goude as a bait to catch the rest of the leadership that was out. Having been informed of the plan of the police, we did not realize at the CHU Treichville where Ble Goude was guarded. The solution that we had was to create a scandal around the state to return to our friend's opinion against the government. So we mobilized journalist and photographer friends to create the event around the disease artificially made our comrade. It is the young Atobélé I sent to look for the journalists of "The Patriot" and it is they who photographed Wheat. So as you can see wheat was handcuffed to we do not remove it if we were to set execution our commando operation. It was a conflict between police and Fescistes; There is nothing pathetic about that and I'm shocked when I see that wheat will be used to impersonate a victim. It is a pattern we've established, this pattern was simply opposed by the forces of order and that's fair.
You stated your support the RHDP. Tell us, ten years later, how do you plan on Refoundation?
What to tell the regime of Refoundation is that it is a regime that executioners would impersonate victims. Many people tend to portray him as a victim system, but this happens only from those who ignore the reality of the nature of power REIT. I'm living a case that can testify to the cruelty of the REIT regime, having been tortured and unjustly imprisoned in that country despite the law prohibiting such practices in our country. Côte d'Ivoire has ratified international conventions against torture. But I was tortured at school Gendarmerie and the senior command of the gendarmerie, in the presence of Ble Goude and these friends of FPI. I've been naked and dragged through the gutter where the dirty water flowing Adjamé, the indifference of those who now pass themselves off as victims. They were there and they laughed. This regime has put me in jail to school police. I was locked in the cell that lies at the entrance Ecole de Gendarmerie (in the first prison). They have tear gas on me there. Despite my suffering, they took me out of there, and they beat me with rifle butts. And not content with the torture that disfigured me, they threw magnans ants found on the bamboos of China School of Force in my underwear on my private parts and the whole body ...
To speak of the cruelty of the regime REIT, I noticed those who do not know that our comrades were killed by men Ble Goude, aided by the forces the order of the day close to the REIT. It is well known, and it's been over ten years since I put challenge anyone to give me the name of one person who was killed by me or my family. Until today nobody has been able to meet this challenge, to tell you how the REIT, which is a system of cruelty, has mastered the art of poisoning.
This regime has arrested women who were raped in the Police Academy. This same regime has forced soldiers in exile Based on their behalf, the regime has excluded thousands of Ivorians on the basis of their religious or tribal affiliation and now you see me with them to continue this debate and hate speech. By these acts and undemocratic practices, we say that the regime has created conditions for the revolt of a part of the population. So do not be surprised that people tortured, excluded and frustrated rebel against such a plan. I often hear that Ouattara is the father of the rebellion. But it is Ouattara is clear that a victim like us who have been tortured and like all other victims of ostracism REIT regime. And the victims did not need to wait Ouattara asks them to revolt to assert their right to live in dignity in their own country. So Ouattara has only seen the uprising of the other victims like him. Ultimately, it could be secured, but no one can say that ADO is the sponsor of the insurgency who have been victims of the atrocities of the REIT. September 19 was the day of the revolt of the victims of hate FPI system, so real sponsors and authors of the rebellion are those who have created the conditions for the frustration of some of the people or torturing in violation of Ivorian citizens. Nobody in this country has attacked the Ivory Coast. People have attacked a plan executioner, a diet that excluded other citizens and denied them the right to enjoy the resources of their nation. And it is against these people that others have raised. Do not confuse things. People rose up against the regime ... The FPI FPI has simply not been up to the management of the Ivorian nation. Came to power, the FPI has only damaged the peaceful existence of citizens who only wanted to live in peace with their fellow citizens. Today, road conditions, poverty, disappearance of all ethics and widespread prostitution clearly demonstrate that FPI failed. They manage the country like pensioners and mockery of the lives of their fellow citizens. With a budget greater than that of Houphouët well as that of Bedie, Gbagbo has only deteriorated the living conditions of the people of Côte d'Ivoire. Ten years later, I can say that we were dealing with an accident in the history of the Ivorian nation, is a populist regime that manipulates the concepts such as tribalism, religion, independence and strength. Only handling to maintain their personal power. Without a doubt the dominant discourse within the FPI shows that it is a dangerous regime, formed a minority that wants to manipulate the Ivorian retain its privileges, but in reality they do not like the Ivorian because when you love people, we share with them the true nationalism begins with solidarity with other nationals. Gbagbo says native son but he and his regime remain indifferent to the misery of others son of the country they want to use to protect their privileges by manipulating the concept of brotherhood and patriotism.
After having fought when he was in power, you have paid glowing tribute to President Bedie recently. Why?
I paid tribute to President Henri Konan Bedie almost in tears. Because it showed he was a statesman. A statesman is one who can let his personal interests against the interests of the nation. Bedie has shown that despite some small friction he had with Alassane Ouattara, has shown that people's issues are secondary when it comes to thinking about the national interest. He put aside his person, he has ignored secondary contradictions to think about the country. That's why I praised him and I hope the people of Côte d'Ivoire makes him a tribute by going in the direction he indicated for the upcoming elections. I would also like to invite Mr. Ouattara has fulfilled its commitments vis-à-vis the President Bedie Bedie asked for an act that many people do not exist in this world today or selfishness is the dominant feeling in human relationships. In the name of this high-mindedness of President Bedie I ask young people to lend their support and eternally grateful for this gesture which honors him.
Interview by Jules Claver Aka


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