Dear friend (s), many of you who write to me if my identity theft by individuals who are use propaganda in favor of Gbagbo.
I want to reassure you by telling you just that I am aware of this duplication of my Facebook profile done by the laboratory of PML pro-Gbagbo (pathetic liars).
They cloned my Facebook profile and I find it pathetic on their part.
It's just a pathetic way to use my image for their campaign, after failing in all their attempts to entice me by offering me some money, a shelter and protection. Without me with them, they steal my name and image to poison the Ivorian and reassure their members about to abandon the sinking ship that is the REIT. They know that I am listened to by a majority of the people and I enjoy an indisputable historical legitimacy, because of my principles and rigor that I insist in my stance.
Faced with this usurpation of my identity, all I can do is reassure my family and those who always give me confidence, telling them that I would never argue Laurent Gbagbo, the executioner of the people, broadcaster Automatic hatred, coupled with a plunderer of public resources. For me, supporting Gbagbo is like asking for a Democrat to support Hitler in the darkest days of Nazism.
I'm patient and resolutely committed to fighting for the liberation of the people and the restoration of democracy in Côte d'Ivoire. This scheme will like Hitler rose.
The struggle continues until final victory.
Thank you ..
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thank you, dear friend (s), that our convictions are unwavering, selfless conduct this fight, let us strengthen our sacred union and the acculons into their corner.
Mediocrity never because of the excellence, hatred will never because of the love that we preach, the plundering of resources due to the collective will never share what we want, just as darkness and the darkness will never because of the light. Brothers and sisters, you are the light, shine, enlighten the people, fight the darkness and the darkness that is the REIT for the people of Côte d'Ivoire. With you a new dawn rises over the country.
The struggle continues, the conduct until total victory. This is the victory of good over evil.
S Doumbia Major
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Doumbia Major explains why the situation in Ivory Coast is different from that of Tunisia.
popular Revolution: Why The Ivory Coast is not comparable to Tunisia
Far from rationality, political parties and structured on tribal basis, by "surfing" on the emotional, as militants hold their hostages, who finally feel that their survival depends on that of their leader . They are ready to defend at the risk of their lives, that it defends the truth or falsehood. Moreover, in these cases roubladise, and breach of promise can be seen as the manifestation of a political genius in the sense of defending the group. Public lies, denials, and the inconstancy of the head does not it alleged, since for the tribal militant action aimed at saving the tribal group is welcome even if it is unworthy or unfair.
This kind of mechanisms that explain the current situation in Côte d'Ivoire, a handful of militants and soldiers, as instruments based on tribal, are ready to defend President Gbagbo, despite the recognition of electoral defeat of the latter by the Independent Electoral Commission and the UN observers. In designing these supporters of Gbagbo, the leader is a tribal leader who is opposed to other tribes. So he orders a tribal militia who considers that his surviving is linked to its leader. That's what this blood pact and unbreakable link that also points to President Gbagbo during a military ceremony distribution of grades. They noted that their destinies are linked, when he told them: "If I fall you fall."
In such a setting where tribal oppositions are both civilians and military, the death of a hundred people from the other side does not move Gbagbo's supporters since those who are killed are not considered nationals or as compatriots, but as threats to their survival. They are animalized and whenever we find circumstances mitigating factors to justify their disposal. The militant tribal is shortsighted, he dramatizes the misfortune happening to him and minimize that of others. He has a vision biased and incomplete.
This explains that contrary to Tunisia where the deaths of 90 people has created a stir at the point of toppling the regime, Côte d'Ivoire, forces loyal to President Gbagbo have killed over 400 people, according the UN estimates, it does not start the diet.
context of Tunisia is different from that of Côte d'Ivoire: in Tunisia an oppressed people has attacked an oppressive regime, Côte d'Ivoire was a people divided on the basis of tribal argument, in which each side believes that its survival depends on the extinction of the other side. Hatred fostered by the politics of identity and numbs each other over the death of all those they regard as adversaries, rather enemies.
Doumbia S. Major
President CPR
Expert automated analysis of political speeches
Source facebook page Doumbia Major
facebook.com / doumbiamajor
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