Interview Doumbia Major / The candidate I support has decided to establish a minimum income Revenue from exile in favor of presidential elections Ivory Coast, Doumbia Major, former national secretary for the organization of the Fesci (Student Federation of Cote d'Ivoire), talks about her relationship with Ble Goude, his exile, abuse of which he was the subject of suspected or manipulation of the presidential camp and his choice in the second round between Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara. Former secretary of the organization under Fesci Ble Goude, your reports will then turn to vinegar. More than eight years later, it was really past? must say there is no personal relationship between Ble Goude and me. Ble Goude is a brother to me, because we know from the city of Yopougon. We worked together and therefore we remain for me anyway, brothers. What happened is that between Wheat and me there is a divergence of view on the role played by the Fesci in the political arena. For us the issue was not to involve the student movement in the political wrangling by siding with any political party. This was not the case that Ble Goude wished to engage the side Fesci FPI (Ivorian Popular Front). And so we did not agree on this issue. We made him understand that having a base composite and plural, it was not possible nor desirable that the movement is committed to supporting the FPI. And therefore this position of neutrality that we desired was seen as a refusal to accept the grip of FPI on the student movement, which won the FPI supporters unite with Wheat to quell the students who defended our position. There was during this action Ble Goude helped by the FPI, seconded by the army against our friends, there was I said the dead. The modus operandi was known. The soldiers close to the FPI and supporting Ble Goude, who were disarmed after our comrades were slashed with machetes by relatives of the FPI. Here is the strategy used by FPI officials to dislodge our fellow student residences. There has been during these operations, several dead. Including fellow Bakayoko Memissa, the city Vridi, peers Kouassi Herve, the city of Williamsville, Comrade Kignelman to the City of Mermoz, who was slashed. Supported by the army, militants have murdered after FPI having brutally slashed. I can quote the same lines the case of our fellow Moudoulaye Kone who was killed in Abobo by people close to Ble Goude, who have entrenched gender. Even when I am gone into exile to avoid the burning of the university, the killings have continued with the death of Habib Dodo. And those who engage in these practices there, we continued to share even in their own rank in which they are sometimes killed by machete. The continuation of these practices in their own order clearly shows that people have introduced the use of the machete at the university. Our position which was a position of neutrality is to fight the alliance between the party and wheat Goudé Laurent Gbagbo, with machetes and using armed men in the pay of the REIT. In this action Laurent Gbagbo was personally involved alongside Ble Goude against me, stating publicly that my intention was to make a coup and that I was manipulated by the RDR, whereas it was not. Here's what happened and to avoid having more deaths in dormitories on the part of persons protected by the army, engaged cowardly murder of his unarmed students, we decided to make a tactical withdrawal by taking the path of exile. It was not a voluntary exile, an exile that was to preserve our lives and the lives of our comrades who have become internal exiles in Côte d'Ivoire. That reality has led us into exile, is a matter of disagreement on what was supposed to be the action of a union. These are positions and obviously the time has proved us right, since today we see that the structure is subservient Fesci ruling FPI and helps rather the power to impose its decisions on students. The Fesci of Tomorrow's energy structure has become a mafia racketeers engaged in their little schemes and bargaining on campus and dormitories, benefiting from protection and indulgence of power back they organized as a militia supporting the power against opponents to the plans, because the survival of their business is related that the regime of Laurent Gbagbo. This is unfortunate because the Fesci has lost its raison d'etre was to fight to defend the interests of some students which plan was in front of her. It is this situation that I wanted to avoid advocating refusal to support the movement to a political party. Then you go into exile, is said to continue your studies. In the same vein you created a political party that is the CPR. What were the highlights of this exile? I did not go into exile to continue my studies. I went there to protect my physical integrity. To the extent that the country had become unlivable for us. We could not continue to go about our business school where individuals protected by the government engaged in criminal acts. These people here are known, they enjoyed total impunity and continue to benefit. Housed behind the army, they engage and continue to engage in such acts. I think some of them are now pinned by the international community as persons subject to prosecution and, therefore, sooner or later these individuals will be brought to the International Criminal Court. When I found myself in exile, my vocation at the University of Abidjan is to continue my studies, I decided to continue my training in France. That's how I registered in France where I did two masters at the University Paris 12 and I registered for a doctoral degree in automated analysis of discourse. I am a Master Project Manager and Development and a master's degree in political communication and public. I also had time to write, I wrote a book entitled "The manifesto for Africa today which is read around the world, work that stands Library of Congress of the United States. You will also find in the library of New York and in the best universities in the world, not to mention the national library of France, Germany and Toronto, Canada. For now, it is censored in Côte d'Ivoire, but it is a reference book for anyone who wants to study the sociological phenomena related to development policy in Africa. I'm still interested in the lives of my countrymen, despite being in exile. I have always been committed and it is this commitment that led me to support the insurgent action of September 19 some time after its triggering. We supported the rebellion to show people that those who claimed to be victims were not victims. In reality they are the killers and they are the ones who created the war. Because these people there, people were tortured here in Cote d'Ivoire. Before there was Sept. 19, there was the before 19 September. We can not talk about Sept. 19 not to mention the causes of September 19. The causes of 19 September, for example, the indifference in which I was tortured at school gendarmerie where I suffered "torment ants magnans" I had put in magnans private parts. I was tortured and put in tires where there were nests magnans, I was locked up in rooms where they had pumped tear gas. I was beaten and disfigured because of my views. When you exit the torture like that even when they laugh at you after these atrocities, and those whom we are done with impunity, that is situations that are intolerable. The preliminary September 19, is also the situation of women who were raped in the police academy, then they only wanted to walk. In the case of rape documented, when asked the question to Mrs. Gbagbo to know what she thought, she said what they are picked up there. Question to say that it mad. Yet rape is classified as crimes. So indifference and impunity from such practices that brought the insurrection of September 19, 2002. Akouédo to where we were even arrested, tortured and kept, there have been cases of soldiers who were tortured because of their name, some were put in rows of barbed wire and beaten. Some have been killed here with the support and complicity of newspapers including the newspaper "Our Way" which was preparing the psychological ground for the acceptance of all these crimes. These are all frustrated forced into exile who left the country and said no, this must stop. Do not forget we are humans and we still have the right to live freely in our countries. We can not force us into exile, can not humiliate us in our own country and ask us not to react. These are all frustrated, all humiliated, tortured and all the parents of all these deaths of charnel Yopougon, who were denied the right to life, who rose up against the illegitimate regime of Laurent Gbagbo. Do not forget they have the right to insurrection. This right is a right recognized by the United Nations. When a people is part of the population is frustrated or unjustly martyred, the people there, has the right to raise. The uprising of 19 September was an uprising martyrs. We say that the war itself is not good and should not create the conditions for its occurrence. Because those who died, those who were tortured before Sept. 19, are also human. Those who have caused so acts preparatory to September 19, are the real perpetrators of the act of September 19. Why seek the sponsors of the rebellion elsewhere? Ouattara is a victim like us! We can not wait for us Ouattara insurrection! The revolt is personal! It's not Ouattara to tell which that is pissed off. Ouattara took to the grave of his mother open. He suffered all the humiliations, we saw that people went to get his elderly mother in Marcory asking if her son was really her son. There is only one victim among many others. It's not Ouattara who asked anyone to rebel, we must seek the origin of the revolt of September 19th for those who have created the conditions. We who have supported this rebellion, have supported the rebellion of humans against those who would treat them as subhuman in their own country. We did not support an individual, we supported the struggle a people that wants to support themselves, live in freedom and respect. You support the armed rebellion, and yet you scold the policies of President Laurent Gbagbo. Doumbia Major is he himself a role model? I was spokesman for the rebel army. It is true that I was not on the field, it's true that I have condemned abuses by the rebels, because I am by nature advocate certain values. And therefore I can not defend these values, and even if they endorse caused by my relatives. I always condemned the excesses of the rebellion, but I supported the uprising of citizens to assert their right to live at home. I have always defended the unity of the nation. For us, national unity is sacred because it builds the nation. We can not accept that divides the Ivorian passing or treating some citizens as subhuman. That is the meaning of my act. It is an act to go to peace. To say that some of the people should not be imposed on another by force. We want peace in which everyone is respected. Because we want the resources that belong to all Ivorians are redistributed fairly and that no person manipulates by playing some of the people against another. We want a redistribution of resources and we want a different kind, not the current one, which is an order of looting. We are not trying to be a model. These are people who will say after whether or not you were a model. But until then, that I know, I've never been involved in acts of stealing, or in looting of public funds or looting of property resources. I've always distanced itself from such practices. You know me since I am a student, I still had principles. I always follow my convictions and I have never taken people. So I always defend the beliefs that are mine. And when the people's interest in a matter, I forbid it. I do not procrastinate on this. I have ideas, not people. If people change, I leave them in their change and I continued my way. If that be a model, I agree to be. But for me the main thing is to act. I always say that the current regime, the regime FPI is not good for Côte d'Ivoire. Because it is a regime that is against all the freedoms and public rights. You see, Today, there are no parties in which FPI has put his hand to try to break out. So the FPI itself is a dangerous regime to democracy. We also saw the FPI in order for ten years. During all these years, resources have been pillaged. With an annual budget of 2.5 trillion, the FPI has been able to improve the living conditions of citizens. No social housing has been built in Ivory Coast in a decade. Yet in his time Houphouet did! The Sicogif the SOGEFIHA we see today are his works. He at least, despite all that he can be criticized, He understood that citizens of his country have the right to housing, which is not the case FPI claiming to be a socialist party. Gbagbo himself has benefited from the French welfare, then her child was born and received allocations from the French people, but he refuses to admit that the Ivorian citizens who do not work independently of their will, have the right to life. Gbagbo has established no minimum income for the unemployed who are engaged in begging, yet he claims to socialism. Even liberal gave Houphouet was at that time a living wage for that hooligans called the VS. The amount was 20,000 francs in his time he did it because these people were not working but they had the right to live in their country. But the FPI, the Socialist Party who sees clearly that some citizens do not work, could not even reach 5% or 10% of the national budget to allocate their income as vital to respect the right to life . The right to life is not respected by those who call themselves socialists. You see, Gbagbo and his supporters claim to nationalist, but it's surprising that people who claim to native son are not the same solidarity vis-à-vis their compatriots who live in poverty. They die of hunger, they leave them sleeping in the slums that designates Sicobois, while these compatriots are entitled to housing. I think those who are indifferent to the misery of their fellow citizens can not claim to be socialist even less about nationalism. Because the first act of a nationalist, is solidarity. We can not afford to be nationalistic and privileges as our compatriots languishing in poverty. The first nationalist is one who respects the lives of its citizens. Gbagbo and the FPI are only conglomerate populist manipulator who uses nationalist rhetoric to mobilize the membership of the ignorant. Someone who has been facing a rebellion and that he did not hesitate to plunder the resources, what will happen when he has a free hand? The FPI has done nothing for Côte d'Ivoire. They say he has done for rural electrification, but me it makes me laugh. Rural electrification is a scheme which was introduced by the government since Houphouet Boigny. The system is designed so that the more the company yad'abonnés Ivorian electricity (ICE), the more opportunities to electrify the villages. And that is inscribed on the bills, because they are citizens who pay taxes for rural electrification. I'm shocked that Gbagbo says he has electrified more villages than others. This is not him who set the algorithm of this scheme. Ivory Coast is the people who electrified the villages. Where the problem lies is that electrified villages where there are fewer people and on a tribal basis, instead of making the number of inhabitants per village. When Gbagbo makes us believe that he wanted to establish AMU (Universal Health Insurance), a pale copy of the CMU French. I laugh in so far as to establish the AMU, he must begin by addressing. When you do not take a law to address that identifies each citizen and the link to an address and a biometric identifier to be, and you make an identification count as they have done, you can say that you want to set up a AMU. Hell is paved with good intentions they say! Gbagbo has never wanted to set up the AMU, then that intent begins with the first law. We have not yet seen this legislation addressing. Second thing, AMU starts with the banking services which are made by the bank repayments. When you do not take a law of banking services required, you can not therefore say that you wanted to implement this program. This is not war which forbids you to take a law. Only populism, it is only propaganda. We say that the debate debate cons, cons Action Action, no match. We say that we got to take active part in political debate. I think it's Ble Goude who is their campaign manager, and we find ourselves before we discuss People of all these issues, and we will demonstrate that they have the worst of candidates. They have a candidate who defends the poor. For our part, compared to the resources of the FPI, we can say we're not poor. We have always worked to get our diplomas. We did not hide behind false privileges to play the hero. Come before the people, come in a transparent and we explain, without weapons or violence and you will see. We came in Ivory Coast to call for change, we call for change, because we believe that the dog does not change its way of sitting. Those who want a change for Côte d'Ivoire, all these young people without jobs who want a minimum wage, must choose my candidate. Gbagbo said he would create 80,000 jobs. But when you multiply that number by five, what will happen about the other workers when it knows they are the number of 4 million. While I support the candidate that has decided to establish a minimum income. That is to say that he respects the right to life of the Ivorians. We came to enlighten the Ivorians so they are not handled and we will break the logic of manipulative Mrs. Gbagbo opposing religions pretending that we are in a Jubilee year. Should not climb the Christians against Muslims. Côte d'Ivoire that we defend it from the Côte d'Ivoire brews, like that of interbreeding is the child of Laurent Gbagbo, Michel, who is half white. The Coast Ivory is the Ivory Coast where the values of expertise come together to address the real challenges are those of employment, the challenges facing the disease, the challenges of the pension issue, the challenges of right to life, the challenges of housing. We say the people that if we support a candidate, not a blind support is blind support. C'es to say that we will be the watchmen who will ensure that the interests of the Ivorian people are safeguarded. I ask young people from Ivory Coast to trust us because our choice is the right choice that will bring the change we all seek. Made before the presidential election by Aymar Dedi - a journalist for the intelligent d'Abidjan Photo caption: Doumbia Major support the candidate of the RHDP, candidate of change |
Monday, December 27, 2010
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Doumbia Major / The candidate I supported has decided to establish a minimum income
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