Dear sir, between activists we have to be told the truth: Laurent Gbagbo has lost the election, it is also clear that 2 +2 makes 4 is mathematical. The poor, he cancel his friend Yao Ndre the results of 7 regions of the country that are unfavorable to obtain only 51% of the vote.
Ndre Yao, the former campaign director Laurent Gbagbo for the region of Divo has been hard, but he got there all the same. But this he forgets is that even if he wanted to help his friend as a good obedient servant, he should have read the law in this area, since no article of the electoral law does say you can cancel a final the results of 7 regions. At the limit we can undo the results of polls that are problematic, but not an entire region.
In this case, some speak of irregularities in the north, do not take people for remained: for a fixed electorate, the list is finally established and validated, we can not fill the ballot boxes and covered the place of those who were supposed to come out and vote.
If that were true, it would mean that supporters of Ouattara's supporters knew all Gbagbo in advance and that they would all stop voting. What is wrong, because despite the evidence produced and assembled to believe this, no death was lamented in the north at the polls. Funny violence, not lamented dead, unless it had been mere intimidation!
also reports of the prefects of the region are clear: "there were no acts of violence different from the ordinary in the election. "This report is corroborated by police reports of UN forces, including individual Commissioners are still not in league with Ouattara, Gbagbo's FPI cons!
Apart associations mounted any papers to denigrate the election, all the structures of observations credible and recognized as having a history in observing elections, have recognized that the election went well.
Yao Ndre n ' no law says he made a wrong interpretation of law in favor of a despot who wanted to legitimize a coup Constitutionally, it's as simple as that. When a country's institutions are run by gangsters who shot to twist the law, they must be fought. The law is sacred when it is true and correct, but do not sanctify the misreading of the law by thugs in ties, the likes of Paul Yao NDRE. If Mr. Ndre had meant the law, it would apply Article 64 of the Ivorian electoral code, revised in 2008, which provides that if the Council finds serious irregularities such as to vitiate the fairness of the vote and to affect the overall result, "he pronounced" the cancellation presidential election (and not give the identity of the winner), a new poll must be held "at least forty-five days" after the date of this decision. Here is the only legal option that was offered to Mr. Yao Ndre. Nowhere is it written that it can cancel the poll in the regions, to declare a winner by excluding areas that are the subject of litigation.
short, knowing the scores of ADO in the area affected by the motion of Mr. Gbagbo, even if it takes 100 times the elections in these regions, there will always score similar to those of the first round. Coincidentally, Mr Gbagbo has not yet challenged the results in the first round, unless it has the surprise. Mr. Ouattara said in these regions has sometimes scores approaching 90% (which is not different from those of the second round contest that Gbagbo sheer bad faith).
Do not want to take people bladders for lanterns, nobody is fooled.
The United Nations has certified the election that everyone knows the results declared by the constitutional council. Apart from some marginal groups, all mankind reasonable asked Gbagbo from power with dignity in the light of these results, we must let him go.
Attempts are made to believe that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), whose members were assaulted by thugs representing the REIT, has not announced the results on time. In response, it should be noted that all mankind has seen Damana adia Pickas Medard said, assaulted the spokesman of the CIS, in the presence of international media, to prevent test results. (Coincidentally the media archives, we can see that a few months before, the same is Damana Pickas who hosted the meeting of Yao Induction Ndre by Marcel Gossio, as campaign manager for the region of Gbagbo DIVO).
This masquerade for handing over to Mr. Ndre was a premeditated and carefully orchestrated plan. For the record, I remind you that Damana médard said Pickas, former president of the youth of the REIT, which in 2000 is planning a conspiracy to accuse any part of an assassination attempt on his person, the militant student that I was. Following the plot artificially assembled, I was tortured by the army, I had "ants on Suplice magnans in the slip, this presence of Ble Goude and other dignitaries of the REIT. This means that we are familiar with the maneuvers of this sinister figure, has mastered the art of making the plots.
It is clear that Gbagbo has lost the election, is indisputable and elsewhere, this explains the change in the communication strategy of Gbagbo himself who is assisted in this by network and service communication, sprinkled banknotes.
The new strategy is to try to move the problem on the ground in the fight against the West or that of Pan-Africanist struggle to impersonate a victim of international conspiracy against his person. This is the strategy of the screen of smoke, which is to move one problem by creating another, to ward concerned the primary concern.
Gbagbo wants to look away from his defeat by transposing the problem in the field of conflict between Africa and the West described as neo-colonialist or imperialist.
is a way for him to mobilize the membership of African or West ideological confrontation of nostalgic anti-capitalist or anti-imperialist. He actually wants to use these activists as a shield to hide his dismal electoral debacle in order to confiscate power with the support of some intellectuals naive, who do not know that internally Gbagbo is the man who pushes his supporters at a visceral hatred against Africans and against international workers living in Cote d 'Ivoire. These African and foreign workers who are being harassed and taken xenophobia ("we are so xenophobic?) By Gbagbo's supporters want to live their work. In Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Gbagbo's speech and his supporters is similar to Speech French National Front, these are ultra-nationalists who advocated a fascist speech. Panaficanistes and the leftists who support Gbagbo does not know who he really is. The reality is that Gbagbo is a fake nationalist, leftist activist false, false pan-Africanist who, helped by a clique of predators, has plundered the country's economy, leaving the impoverished masses in abject incommensurate .
Gbagbo is simply a populist modern times, who also conniving with his friends capitalist internationalists such as the French Bouygues, Bolloré, the American Carguil the Israeli, Chinese, etc.. Besides, he just recently signed with French Total a market of more than 200 billion CFA franc. Basically, Gbagbo knows the system he plays in between the capitalist groups to each other.
The anti-imperialist or colonialist Gbagbo and his supporters is simply a manipulation strategy, which aims to mobilize the membership of the idealists and the Africans who think they hate to take revenge against the colonial past of some Western countries. Do not we say that the best way is to manipulate someone make him believe that his interests and ours are alike!
We affirm that we are left we are internationalist and fighting the hideous aspects of capitalism. As men left, we have always questioned the candidate Ouattara on crucial social dimension of the application of liberalism in Africa. Today Mr Ouattara is a man who claims to listen to a liberalism with a human face. Which means it has embarked on a path of social liberalism, knowing that the air combat opposing ideological blocks is exceeded, in a context of globalization economy, which leaves no room for narrow nationalism. President Ouattara has adopted in its program Creating an SMR (living wage) for the Ivorians who do not work independently of their will, what did not Gbagbo, whose clan is enriched while the poor people died penniless minimum loss, or crisis of employment.
Dear brothers and sisters, comrades, so get out of the pathos and nostalgia; Gbagbo has lost this election. You simply have the courage to tell her militant, should not it moves the debate on ideological grounds for hope manipulate anyone. This strategy is too easy and nobody is fooled.
Doumbia Major
political activist
President of CPR (Pan-African Congress for Renewal)
Author of "manifesto for Africa".
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