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Asked know what he thinks will see later that this "Western in the Ivory Coast", the answer is clearly and unequivocally: he said "the seizure of power is not restricted in its proclamation, it must be recognized as legitimate and exercised in the form of authority. " For him the power of Alassane Ouattara is legitimate because it was recognized by the IEC and certified by the authority recognized what UNOCI mandate was to certify the election in accordance with the Ouagadougou agreement that s' supported a UN resolution accepted by all parties. What is the situation Current Côte d'Ivoire and how you see the future of this country?
Doumbia S Major: The future of Ivory Coast is dark, we face a unique case, with a country that is headed by two presidents. One, Ouattara was elected and announced by the Independent Electoral Commission, as certified by the UN bodies that are based here in the country, the other, Gbagbo has been appointed by his friend and comrade of the party that is be the chairman of the course constitutionnelle.Monsieur Yao Ndre I know very well is an active militant of the REIT and I inform you that it is the former Director Gbagbo's campaign for the region of Divo.
President finds himself prevented by Ouattara Gbagbo who opposes what he actually exercises power, with his relatives who are confined to the Hotel du Golf under the protection of UN forces. Gbagbo meanwhile is the chair, protected by the army and loyalist militia whose aim is to give it legitimacy in fact, maintaining the status quo. Which of the two men has the effective power in Ivory Coast?
Doumbia S. Staff: The question is relevant because the takeover is not restricted in its proclamation, it must be recognized as a legitimate form of authority exercised. All power is recognized or it is not by those under his authority according to its legitimacy. This legitimacy can come from the strength or légalité.Concrètement, in our case, the question is who will exercise the real power and the one whose signature is a value that urges the Government of Côte d'Ivoire for acts nationally and internationally. The question is which of the two men have the power and the ability to requisition military and police and who will power in terms of signing for the payment of wages and debts. It is also about that of two men who meet the commitments of the State of Côte d'Ivoire and one whose signature credentials for the appointment of ambassadors will be taken into account by other countries. It is also about which of the two men have the power to appoint to high office of the state? Here's the sort of power struggle looming in the coming days, and this may lead to a military war, which itself can lead to civil war, something we do not wish for our country.
My opinion on the thing is clear and based on reality and truth. In this power struggle, the battle is losing to Laurent Gbagbo, as the candidate that I supported, namely the President ADO has legitimacy on the international plane, because he has been proclaimed by IEC whose members were abused to prevent them from proclaiming the election results. It is recognized Mr. Ouattara. I ask him to appoint ambassadors as soon as possible. It must recall all ambassadors and signing credentials of new ambassadors. Since he is recognized internationally, it goes without saying that countries that have recognized ask Ambassadors who have no credentials of the new president to return home. So as you can see yourself in the coming days Gbagbo will cut the world and it will be isolated within his small army and tribal Praetorian. Gbagbo's fate is sealed and it's going to be seen as a symbolic gesture, I think he struggles like an animal that engages in its last stages before death.
This battle can be won in advance by the President Ouattara, because he is recognized by virtually all countries, he need only sign the credentials of a new ambassador for that countries that have recognized and accepted this new ambassador that the former is removed. I think he will do this in the days to come to consolidate his power at the international isolation of Gbagbo and more. These appointments are needed, because we can no longer tolerate activists like Peter Kipré ambassadors who in defiance of diplomatic practice arose as advocates of the illegitimate regime of Laurent Gbagbo. During my last meeting in Paris, I said it was no longer ambassador and we expect the letter of accreditation from the new ambassador, go to dislodge from our embassy in France. : Do you think that violence against members of the CIS was premeditated and predictable?
Doumbia S. Staff: I should note that the militant pro-Gbagbo who ripped and torn paper announcement of elections in the presence of the international press is no person other than Damana Adia Pickas Medard said. You remember that this gentleman is one who in July 2000 on the eve of the referendum, has invented a plot against my person to be arrested and tortured me, accusing me falsely of attempting to murder her in person when he was president of the JFPI. That tells you that this gentleman is a violent man and a follower of false plots. For them it was so premeditated use of violence and terror to prevent the publication of results by the CIS in order to hand in Ndre YAO, former Country Director Gbagbo Divo. More than a forced Gbagbo Ndre Yao is a zealous activist of the REIT which was invested by marcel Gossio as Campaign Director of the FPI, the region of Divo, in the presence of the Damana Pikas, everyone has seen being abused the Spokesman of the CIS. This is what you make them understand that the players know this masquerade and Gbagbo is nothing other than the conductor of the theater, who saw his appointment as president by Yao Ndre. Do you think the situation could deteriorate on the ground of a civil war?
Doumbia S. Staff: Anyway all the ingredients for a military conflagration quickly flip extremely bloody civil war, given the exacerbation of hatred that was the only argument of campaign FPI of Laurent Gbagbo.
This premeditated hatred, manufactured any part in the political laboratory of the REIT has devoted a partition of the tribal country. Also we should note the strategy used by the REIT that victimhood is as a victim of international conspiracy, when in reality it is a fascist party whose officials live in indifference and privileges at the expense of citizens which are kept in poverty.
This strategy of victimhood on the part of Gbagbo and his family, who present themselves in a contradictory discourse as both nationalist and Pan-Africanist, has prepared a number of people lynched to nationals of African countries and Westerners, that the clan Gbagbo wants to present the perpetrators of a conspiracy against his person.
It is with this fake independence and Pan-Africanist discourse they mobilize the sympathy of some nostalgic Pan-Africanism and a few people who have a hatred against the colonial past of some Western countries, but who know nothing of reality thefts and looting which engage Gbagbo and his supporters in Côte d'Ivoire. What solution can be found to this crisis?
Doumbia S. Staff: The only solution is that Gbagbo accepts defeat and respect the overwhelming victory of President and certified Alassane Ouattara.
The power of Alassane Ouattara is a legitimate power because it has been recognized by the IEC and certified by the authority recognized what UNOCI, which also had the mandate to certify the election in accordance with Ouagadougou agreement, which was based on a UN resolution accepted by all parties.
Gbagbo's fate was already sealed in the first round where Ivorian citizens have served more than 60% said they were opposed to him. The second round of elections only confirmed Ivorian opposition to this person. If he claims to be democratic accept the will of the people, for the Ivorian people will not accept it imposed upon him by force. He should understand this and go in peace, because if he will soon head caught in a vice and his departure from power might be tragic for him and his party.
Interview by Geraldine Zouzoua in Paris
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